NewsIndiaTimes - page 12

News India Times
April 8, 2016
– that’s all you need to know
Bya StaffWriter
r. Rahul Sharma has
been named emer-
gency physician-in-
chief at NewYork-
Cornell Medical Center and
chief of the Division of
Emergency Medicine atWeill
Cornell Medicine.
In his new role, Dr. Sharma
oversees all operations for the
Lisa Perry Emergency Center at
Cornell Medical Center as well
as for the Division of
Emergency Medicine atWeill
Cornell Medicine. He will
simultaneously continue in his
previous position as Medical
Director of Strategic Initiatives
and Making Care Better for
“The emergency department
at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill
Cornell and the Division of
Emergency Medicine atWeill
Cornell Medicine is in excellent
hands with Dr. Sharma as its
new leader,” Dr. Augustine M.K.
Choi, physician-in-chief at
Cornell and theWeill Chairman
of theWeill Department of
Medicine atWeill Cornell
Medicine is quoted saying in a
March 28 release. Sharma took
over effective Feb. 1.
Sharma is also an associate
professor of clinical medicine at
Weill Cornell Medicine. “As chief
of emergency medicine, I look
forward to continuing to deliver
the very best emergency care
for those in need,” he said.
Dr. Sharma previously served
as the medical director and
associate chief of service of the
emergency department at NYU
Langone Medical Center.
There, he led post-
Superstorm Sandy emergency
department rebuilding efforts,
including the planning and
launch of a new emergency
He has received two national
teaching awards, including the
Emergency Medicine Residents’
Association National Excellence
in Teaching Award and the
American College of Emergency
Physicians (ACEP) National
Faculty Teaching Award. In
addition, he developed the first
physician assistant residency
program at NewYork-
Presbyterian, as well as the
emergency medicine in-service
board review program at New
He is credited with ground-
breaking work on operational
improvement, patient flow and
leadership development and
has been published in numer-
ous peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. Sharma also serves as an
oral boards examiner for the
American Board of Emergency
He received a combined
medical and Master of Business
Administration degree in Health
Management fromTufts
University School of Medicine.
He completed his specialty
training in emergency medicine
at NYUMedical
Center/Bellevue Hospital,
where he was selected as chief
Continued from page 2
Also enlivening are some inci-
sive comments which may seem
contentious but are actually
uncomfortably true – such as
the Europeans' historical
propensity for violence.
In two dozen odd chapters,
Frankopan presents a meticu-
lously-arranged but always
interesting of the 'roads', and
their role in the passage of
faiths, concord, gold and silver,
and later black gold, but also
slaves, revolutions, death and
destruction, and genocide. They
sometimes may have strangely
unexpected directions – to
northern Europe and
Scandinavia (though this may
not surprise those who have
read Michael Crichton's "Eaters
of the Dead" or Jan Guillou's
"Crusaders Trilogy").
And in a work of this magni-
tude, some mistakes were
inevitable but are thankfully few
- three, by my count.
With the modern world see-
ing the rise of India and China,
the continuing significance of
central Asia and ofWest Asia
(and its potential to cause
headaches and tragedy eve far
away), the Chinese plans for the
(new) Silk Road Economic Belt
and the Maritime Silk Road, it
was high time the influence and
impact of the older ones – which
seem to be getting restored -was
reprised. This is this work's real
Rahul Sharma Named Head Of Emergency At Major Teaching Hospitals
Bya StaffWriter
he Global Organization of
People of Indian Origin
chose SiliconValley-based
Niraj Baxi as its president as
GOPIO elected its new interna-
tional executive council last
month at a warmly-contested
election that was conducted
electronically for the first time,
Involving 208 of the 223 interna-
tional delegates from 21 coun-
tries casting their votes.
Past GOPIO elections were
generally held at its biennial
conventions where only a frac-
tion of the international dele-
gates could participate.
However, with new technolo-
gies being available, the latest
election was held electronically
with a record participation by 93
percent of the international del-
egates. Besides Baxi,the other
elected officers were Noel Lal
from Sydney, Australia, who was
elected executive vice president;
Ram Gadhavi from New Jersey,
who was elected vice president,
as well as Rajeev Mehta from the
U.S., Pradip Sewoke from
France; Suman Kapoor from
New Zealand, and Rajidre Tiwari
fromThe Netherlands all of
whom were elected internation-
al coordinators.
The election process was
supervised by GOPIO Chairman
Inder Singh who will continue in
that position. Formed in 1989 at
the First Global Convention of
People of Indian Origin, GOPIO
has now reached most countries
with a sizable Indian Diaspora
population. With India at the
threshold of accepting new tech-
nologies and business invest-
ment, the new team has come
up with a motto – “GOPIO
Means Business” to attract
Indian Diaspora entrepreneurs
and businessmen to take more
interest in investing in India in
all spheres, including business,
philanthropy, education, health-
care and social causes.
“With an investment and
business-friendly government in
India, we see a lot opportunity
for the Indian Diaspora to invest
and actively participate in India’s
development,” president Niraj
Baxi said.
Baxi said that he would work
towards making GOPIO the
voice of any and all NRIs and
PIOs and would take initiatives
in growing GOPIO in all coun-
tries and regions of the world.
Vice president Ram Gadhavi,
who has brought Gujarati
Diaspora writers on a common
platform in the U.S., plans to
extend it to all Indian writers on
a global GOPIO forum.
GOPIO founder president
Thomas Abraham, who also
serves as the executive trustee of
GOPIO Foundation said that
GOPIO will increase its social
and philanthropic activities in
India as well as in countries with
a large Indian Diaspora popula-
GOPIO Elects International Executive Council In First Electronic Voting
GOPIO 2016 elected officials, from top left clockwise, Niraj Baxi, Noel Lal, Ram Gadhavi, Rajeev Mehta, Pradip Sewoke,
Suman Kapoor, Rajendre Tiwari and GOPIO Chairman Inder Singh.
Enterpreneur, Philanthropist
To Be Recognized At NYU
Asia’s Forgotten Impact In World History
Businesswoman and
philanthropist Chandrika Tandon,
will receive the “Albert Gallatin
Medal for Outstanding
Contributions to Society” at New
York University’s May 18
Commencement ceremonies at
Yankee Stadium Tandon, a
Grammy-nominated musician, is
also the vice chair of the on the
NYU board of trustees. The award
recognizes “her achievements in
business; her accomplishments in
the performing arts; her involve-
ment and contributions of time
and energy in NYU’s global efforts
and across many of NYU’s schools;
and her generous support of engi-
neering, technology, and
innovation,” the university
announced in a press release.
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